Peoples Postcode Lottery warn of Scam Letter

People all over the UK are being warned to be wary about a scam letter, claiming to be from the Peoples Postcode Lottery

An initial warning has been issued by Humberside police. After Belton resident, Paul Barratt, received a letter stating he had won £825,000.

Humberside Police Crime Reduction Officer Andy Allen, said. “Letters like this one that seems too good to be true generally are. And that’s what I would advise members of the public to question if they are the recipient of a letter or email similar to this one.

He continued: “Thankfully most people see them for what they are, and disregard them.
“I would urge all residents to be vigilant and if you have elderly relatives or neighbours please ask them to be aware of this scam.

“Never reveal your personal or banking details over the telephone.”

“Banks and financial institutions will never ask the public to give out account or security information over the telephone. Nor e-mail and if you suspect the company may be fraudulent, contact the Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040.”

Mr Barratt, of The Furlong, Belton, said he recognised the letter was a fake almost immediately. He added he was concerned that others could be taken in by the same scam.
The 60-year-old continued. “It’s that old wisdom – you don’t get something for nothing.

“From what I hear they seem to target one area at a time. I’m worried they could be sending out the same letter to people in the Isle.”

“It’s a real worry.”

The letter states that the winning ticket has been drawn by the Peoples Postcode Lottery 2015 Award International programs held in Madrid, Spain.

Peoples Postcode Lottery Scam
One thing that is a dead giveaway is the fact that it was written in poor English. The letter is signed off by someone called Baron Wheels, who labels himself as the president of the company.

In a bid to reassure customers, The Peoples Postcode Lottery says they will never ask for a payment in order to issue a winner with their prize.

A little bit of vigilance will go a long way.  In ensuring that you never fall victim to scams of this nature. Remember, in most cases, these big lotteries will not write to you in the post. Even if they do, there’ll be other ways to verify that it’s a legitimate win.

Anyone who is unsure about a communication they have received from the Peoples Postcode Lottery is asked to call their Customer Services team on 08081098765 or email them on

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