Free Scratch Cards UK Daily Draw

Yes, that’s right! You can win a free lottery scratchie every day in the Lucky Number Dip Daily draw.
The Free Scratch Cards UK Daily Draw, gives players the chance to win a free scratch card from the National Lottery website. We play the scratch card for you and record the video and pay out any winnings to you. Even better than all this, it’s all free!
Here’s what a few people are saying about the daily draw;
- “Still can’t believe how quickly I won a scratch card cos I have only been here for a few days. I’m really over the moon”
- “Woohoo I won £10 from the scratch card I won on the 29th January, thank you luckynumberdip”
- “I got my card in the post today I won £5 thank you very happy”
To find out more about how to enter this free competition, just enter your email address below and we will send you the information you need. Hopefully, you will not only win a scratch card but win big on it as well.