Win a Free Scratch Card Every Day!

You can get a chance to win a free scratch card every day in our daily prize draw. The draw is open to players from all over the world so feel free to enter below.

Due to ongoing issues with service providers, we regret to say that we have come to the tough decision of suspending the Daily Draw for the time being. We hope to have the Daily Draw back up and running very soon

Win a Free Scratch Card

Check out videos of the free scratch cards from other players!

The hope is that one day we will be able to celebrate a big win with one of our lucky players. That win has eluded us so far but we will keep on playing and hopefully someday soon we will see a big win.

We have been playing these scratch cards since 2020. Although we have had some decent wins for our players, we are yet to see a big win. You can look at all our past winners below.

Win a Free Scratch Card in our Daily Draw

1,701 thoughts on “Win a Free Scratch Card in our Daily Draw”

  1. @luckynumberdip

    @LND When there was the long break from the draws I received an email from WordPress (which I am a member of) about this account so I went on and reactivated my subscription to this account. I did that but since then my comments take 2 days to appear. Can you help please?

  2. Well the winners list almost confirms that there was no draw for 18th, except for the TYPO which has the date as the 16th. I guess someone was up early or late when they updated the list. I’m sure the magic fixer fairy will correct the error for anyone that was paying attention 😉

  3. Draw appears to have stalled again on 09-17-2022. Hopefully it will reset later today, just need to remember to check again later.

    1. Gareth, for the last week or so I’ve noticed that the new draw doesn’t open until 4am at the earliest whereas it used to be midnight. I’m quite confident that yesterday’s (17th September) has been drawn and the new draw will be available very soon.

    1. Well Thelma, looks like you two comments have rewarded you with another winning draw, lets hope it is also a cash win.
      So if your luck was as a result of your writing a few comments, then hopefully it will be my turn for a win!

      1. @LND When there was the long break from the draws I received an email from WordPress (which I am a member of) about this account so I went on and reactivated my subscription to this account. I did that but since then my comments take 2 days to appear. Can you help please?


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