Canadian Great Grandmother Wins $50 Million Lottery Jackpot

We knew it already but it’s nice to be reminded that you’re never too old to win a Lottery Jackpot

Lois Olsen, an 80-year-old Alberta woman from a farming village of fewer than 500 people, described it as feeling surprised and stressed when she found out she’d won a $50-million lottery jackpot onLotto Max. The win came from a lucky quick-pick ticket she had bought at the Irma Co-op store.

Olsen, who is a great-grandmother, learned of the windfall during a grocery run at her local supermarket. When she stopped to check her lottery ticket on the self-checking machines, it suggested she had only won $15.

“I pulled it out, put it back in. It looked like $500,” Olsen told reporters this week as she accepted her big cheque. “I said to the girl, ‘There’s something wrong with this machine.’”

An employee came over to help. “She says, ‘No you just won $50m.’” Speechless, Olsen started shaking. “I just grabbed my groceries and left.”

We can only imagine the beautiful wave of emotion that would have swept over Lois at the time of learning she had won the 50 million lottery jackpot.

She doesn’t really have many plans for the money apart from helping out her three children, nine grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. .“Money doesn’t mean a whole bunch to me. I had hard times,” she said. With a laugh, she added, “Maybe not now.”

“I milked cows for I don’t know how many years by hand, then we finally got a milking machine,” she said. “We milked cows for about 25 years. We had a bunch of pigs, we had range cattle, I raised chickens, turkeys; I had everything. A lot of hard work.”

When pressed by reporters for some idea of how she might enjoy her lottery jackpot winnings, she said she might replace her 11-year-old car. “I think I’ll buy an SUV, something a little higher for me to get in and out of,” she said. “That will be the big purchase.”

We wish Lois all the best with her winnings and hope she can enjoy her good fortune.

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